Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Therapy for the Overstimulated and Overscheduled

Don't get me wrong, my life is good. I have a great husband, sweet kids and good friends. I am just TIRED. Maybe it's because our world is so fast paced and plugged in all of the time. I find myself unable to rest and be quiet. I have to give myself permission to take a break and not be "on" for everyone and everything that pulls me in all directions. When I look at my calendar it is a plethora of details written in different colored markers. It is a little ridiculous.

It is no wonder I finally caught a cold. So today, I am on the couch. I am still doing laundry so that the family won't go naked but that is all I am doing today. Norm took Sophia with him and Brayden is at school so I can rest and recharge. I need this. I have music on and I am just on the couch, my own couch so I don't end up on the Therapist's couch. =)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Blur that was September

Holy Cow! Is it really the 12th day of October!?!

I love Fall but I am about to miss it! September came and went before I could turn around twice. Mostly due to the start of school and all the activities that go along with that.

Brayden started 1st grade. He came home after the 1st day to tell me that it was "boring" Uh oh. Regardless of that comment, he is reading like crazy and learning math fairly easily. He also enjoys letting the girls chase him on the playground. (what boy wouldn't, right?)

Sophia is back at preschool. She is learning how to be more independent and take on responsibility. It is difficult for her. I find that even when I try not to, I do things for her that she should be doing for herself. She went head to head with her teacher, a move I did not expect from her. Obviously, her teacher, was not manipulated by her meltdown and she realized that if she wanted to participate, she had to act like a big girl! She is better now and learning to write her name and learning a lot of songs that she sings at home while twirling around.

Brayden started soccer while Sophia started dance lessons. We went for a visit to Rhode Island to see family and we went camping for a weekend with friends. We have worked our jobs and visited with friends all while adjusting to the new Fall routine. I am tired just typing all of it!

We are adjusting. Every season is like that. I just have to talk to myself and remind myself to stop and enjoy the moments in the madness.