Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Bad Attitude

It is Fourth of July weekend and I am working. Not only am I working Saturday and Sunday. I am also working Friday and Monday. This year, the whole weekend has been sunny and warm and perfect weather to enjoy the holiday. I am in such a bad mood! I don't even care about the weekend and holiday pay. I just don't want to work! Everyone around me is having cookouts and planning parties and doing fun stuff outside. I just can't shake off the grumpy attitude.

I guess it is because we have good friends to spend time with and the kids are at a fun stage to take places. The 4th is such a Patriotic holiday and I am grateful for my freedom. I love all the pomp and circumstance that goes along with the fireworks and the celebrating. New England is a cool place to be on the 4th and I don't like to miss it.

This afternoon a friend dropped off a treat for me at the lab and people acknowledged that working while everyone else is playing stinks and that made me feel better. Next year, I think I need to remember how bummed I was and try to enjoy it even more. Hopefully it won't rain.