Saturday, November 14, 2009

For those of you that think I have it together...

One day last week I had to take the kids to the doctor for their vaccines and I was in a rush. Brayden had just gotten off the school bus and Sophia was just up from a nap and I had only a few minutes to get them in the car and ready for the 20 minute ride to the office. I decided to appease them by giving them both a Capri Sun juice and a pack of crackers if they got in the car super fast. True to form, Brayden gobbled his treat down quickly and Sophia still had three quarters of her juice when we got to the office. So, we got out of the car and I put the rest of Sophia's juice on the drivers seat so that I would remember to give it back to her when we got back in the car. We went in and took care of the kids and then we jumped back in the car to go home. I was already dressed to go out for a date with Norm and I was looking forward to getting back so that we could go. We had an unremarkable ride home until I pulled into the driveway 20 minutes later and realized that I had been sitting on the juice and it squished out all over the seat and the back of my pants and up my shirt and I had not noticed. Oh boy! That kind of stuff used to never happen to me.

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