Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

I have been thinking about "green living" a lot since it is such a hot topic these days. Slowly, I have begun to educate myself about what it means to me and my family to choose good products and reduce the amount of chemicals we put into our bodies and into the earth.

What I can't figure out is who is just trying to market their products and who is really providing true "green" products. Today, I found out that one of the products I am using is really not so "green" It still contains some chemical ingredients that I didn't realize were also unhealthy. Arrgghh! This makes me really frustrated. I have a background in chemistry and I am still struggling with all of these compounds! I guess it isn't so easy as to go to the store and pick up a product that says "natural" or "organic" and be able to believe what is being marketed to me. I guess it is going to be a longer process than I had hoped.

Anyway, I am planting some irises tomorrow in honor of Earth Day. (It rained a lot today) So Happy Earth Day.

1 comment:

  1. You should make your own. Then you'll know they are "green". I have "recipes" if you need them. Anything you need, laundry soap (dry & liquid), cleaning spray...all that fun stuff! Plus, you feel so good making your own and you save a boatload of money!!!
