Tuesday, May 5, 2009

22 Preschoolers

Brayden turned 5 last month. It is hard to believe that the time has gone by so fast. I decided, maybe because he's my firstborn and I didn't know any better, to have a big party including Brayden's preschool class. Evidently we chose a very convenient time because everyone could make it! Every time I checked on the Evite invitation, more "yes" responses. I did a quick math count in my head. 22 preschoolers

22 preschoolers and their parents. Where am I going to put them all? Norm and I have a bad habit of putting on big parties. I get stressed out and swear I will never do it again but I guess my memory dulls and the idea of having fun with a lot of people prompts me write a new Evite.

So, days before the party, I am running around collecting party favors and presents. Brayden is into Superheroes so we had Batman, Spiderman, and Superman themed party decorations. I made Batman cupcakes. Thanks to the party store sales lady! She gave me great ideas. It all started coming together except for the black icing. Brayden wanted black icing on his Batman cupcakes. I can't bake to save my life and I had no idea how to make black icing. I gave up and hoped the Batman insignia ring stuck into the cupcakes would distract him.

The day finally came. I think that is has rained on every April 2 in the last 4 years including the day Brayden was born so I expected the same on this day. Instead, we had record setting warmth and sun. What a gift! The kids came, some decked out in their own Superhero costumes, all ready for some fun. They ate, they "fought crime", and they had a blast running a playing in the yard. What a fantastic day for us all!

We will remember Brayden's 5th birthday just because it was his birthday and he's our kid but I will also remember it because God gave me an extra gift of a sunny day and a reminder that we are blessed with so many friends with which to celebrate life.